How to write a solver


The Big Picture

CoW Swap infrastructure is a lot of services running together, which is a bit intimidating at the beginning. Here’s the ELI5 of how CoW Swap works and it’s entities.

The Orderbook

The orderbook is a service that uses a database to stores trades. When you go to and create a trade, the website uses the orderbook API to add the trade to the database. If the trade is ready to go (it might be created but missing a signature), it will be listed in the solvable_orders endpoint.

The Driver

The driver is a polling service that queries the orderbook API for orders and tries to settle them using the different solvers. The driver calls different solvers by using an http API. The driver prunes the orderbook solvable_orders and sends orders, in json, to the different solvers. If a solver finds a solution to the batch, the driver executes the trade on chain.


The solver is a standalone service which receives a json with orders and tries to settle them. The settlement can be a list of actions which are executed by the settlement contract on chain.

Warning: I assume you have rust setup correctly with rustup.

The most basic setup

Let’s start simple. Let’s first run a solver which solves a json we send by hand with curl.

Start by cloning

cow-dex-solver will give you a good idea of how a solver service is architectured. You have a method called solve() which receives the batch orders and returns a SettledBatchAuctionModel aka a solution.

To run, exec:

cargo run -v

Once the service is running you can start throwing jsons at it. I started reading the code and playing with different json setups calling:

curl -vX POST "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" --data "@/Users/user/dev/cow-dex-solver/sample.json"

You can get some inspiration from prod examples here:

Settling Real Orders

Once I understood how a solver works, I wanted to solve a real order. To test this out without setting up the orderbook I used a little trick. I created an order in a production orderbook but I setup an impossible limit order. For that I used the staging orderbook in the gnosis-chain. I deployed a yvUSDC vault, and I created an LP USDC/yvUSDC in Honeyswap.

You have different options to create a limit oder:

Here’s the example I created while testing:

I am trading 10 USDC for 91.412 yvUSDC, which of course, will never settle by regular solvers since 1 USDC == 1 yvUSDC (price per share is 1).

Now that we have the real order, the orderbook will return it in the solvable_orders endpoint. To consume it, we will need to use the driver.

the cow-dex-solver repo now has a nice README with an explanation of how to run the driver:

The way I was it running was:

cargo run -p solver --  --orderbook-url \
     --base-tokens 0xDDAfbb505ad214D7b80b1f830fcCc89B60fb7A83 \
     --node-url "" \
     --cow-dex-ag-solver-url "" \
    --solver-account 0x7942a2b3540d1ec40b2740896f87aecb2a588731 \
    --solvers CowDexAg \
    --transaction-strategy DryRun

A small explanation of the parameters:

  • orderbook-url: points to the gnosis staging version

  • node-url connects to gnosis-chain (VERY IMPORTANT, liquidity sources are based on this)

  • cow-dex-ag-solver-url our running solver instance

  • solver-account An address that has permissions to run txs in the settlement contract

  • solvers just use our CowDexAg instance

  • transaction-strategy DryRun will give us a tenderly link after running

If you got to this point, you have 99% of stuff you need to write your solver. Until the trade expires, the solver will always find the crazy limit order and send it to your solver. If the solver responds with a solution, the driver will spit out a tenderly link with the execution simulation.

Full E2E testing

Is your solver working and you want to try a more real order? You will need to run your own orderbook. For that, you will need docker. Follow the steps at:

I run my orderbook with:

cargo run --bin orderbook -- \
  --skip-trace-api true \
  --skip-event-sync \
  --base-tokens 0xDDAfbb505ad214D7b80b1f830fcCc89B60fb7A83 \
  --enable-presign-orders true \
  --node-url ""

and created an order using

The last step is connecting the driver to the new orderbook local service doing:

cargo run -p solver --  --orderbook-url http://localhost:8080 \
     --base-tokens 0xDDAfbb505ad214D7b80b1f830fcCc89B60fb7A83 \
     --node-url "" \
     --cow-dex-ag-solver-url "" \
    --solver-account 0x7942a2b3540d1ec40b2740896f87aecb2a588731 \
    --solvers CowDexAg \
    --transaction-strategy DryRun

Full process will be:

My solver code

I forked cow-dex-solver and wrote my first lines of rust. You can checkout my solver’s code at:


Last updated