Getting Started with the SDK

Install the SDK:

yarn add @cowprotocol/cow-sdk

Instantiate the SDK:

import { OrderBookApi, OrderSigningUtils, SubgraphApi } from '@cowprotocol/cow-sdk'

const chainId = 100 // Gnosis chain

const orderBookApi = new OrderBookApi({ chainId })
const subgraphApi = new SubgraphApi({ chainId })
const orderSigningUtils = new OrderSigningUtils()

The SDK will expose:

  • OrderBookApi - provides the ability to retrieve orders and trades from the CowSap order-book, as well as add and cancel them

  • OrderSigningUtils - serves to sign orders and cancel them using EIP-712

  • SubgraphApi - provides statistics data about CoW protocol from Subgraph, such as trading volume, trades count and others

💡 For a quick snippet with the full process on posting an order see the Quick start example

Now you should have a ready to use SDK instance. Let's explore in the next section, how we can use it to query the CoW API.

Last updated